


MELANE not only produces music, but is also a singer, activist and Africa scholar. The year 2020 marks the beginning of her solo career. In November 2020, she released her debut single "Ubuntu", which pays tribute to women in particular as a symbol of strength, vulnerability, culture and history.

The concept of her upcoming solo album "Mirrors & Windows" takes its inspiration from children's literature. It uses the metaphorical symbolism of mirrors and windows to offer a unique perspective on life and the world. While the mirrors provide insights into one's own experience and identity, the windows open doors to the different facets and experiences of human existence.

Parallel to her music career, MELANE decided in spring 2020 to target a specific audience to address important topics such as racism and the role of Black women in German society. Through her German-language songs and rap, such as "Einzelfall", "Zitiere meine Mutter" and "Ich block dich", she addresses social problems such as racism and actively campaigns against discrimination.