
Kerstin Mayer

Kerstin Mayer

Kerstin Mayer has been spending a lot of time at concerts since she was seventeen. For more than a decade, she was also active behind the scenes. She then worked in various media companies before she got to know and love the subject of cultural promotion. She spent several years as a project manager at the Initiative Musik and then took over the management of the financial administration of the Amadeus Antonio Foundation, which supports initiatives against group-related misanthropy.

In 2020, Kerstin set up her own business and has since been advising musicians on applying for and implementing funding projects, giving workshops and seminars and taking on project management tasks. In 2022, she was elected to the board of the Federal Association of Popular Music (BV Pop). She is also involved in Second Bandshirt, an organisation that sells donated band merchandise and passes the proceeds on to charitable causes, and has founded a pop choir for Flintas as her latest endeavour.

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