Michael Fritz
Co-Founder Viva con Agua
Michael Fritz is a conceptual activist and co-founder of the international network Viva con Agua. In addition to more than 15,000 volunteers and the non-profit association, the network includes the spin-off social business companies Viva con Agua Mineralwasser, Goldeimer Komposttoiletten, Viva con Agua Arts and Viva con Agua-Verein ein Uganda, Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland. In the future, the Viva con Agua Foundation would like to promote intercultural exchange and the international expansion of the movement. Michael Fritz founded the Viva con Agua initiative in 2006 together with friends. Viva con Agua is the first organisation in the field of social change to advocate the all-profit principle: the actions around the vision "WATER FOR ALL-ALLE FOR WATER" benefit all participants. Thanks to this work, the living conditions of more than 3 million people worldwide have been sustainably improved.