Jessica Friedsam
CEO LAG Lesben in NRW e.V.
Jessica Friedsam was born on 22.04.1973 in Northeim, grew up in the village, learned to run politically in Göttingen in the 90s. With a few stops in between, she has been at home in Cologne since 2009.
Here she has managed neighbourhoods as a social worker and provided help in so-called hotspots (such as the Kölnberg), before taking over the management of the LAG Lesben in NRW e.V. in 2019.
After a somewhat bumpy acclimatisation (and for everyone else getting used to her methods) now very happy in the job and with the tasks, which also include the urgently needed expansion of "queer culture". Strong and feisty, eager for discussion and steadfast, she gets involved in political discourses for the visibility & safety of the LGBTIQ community and especially the visibility of lesbians.