Dirk von Gehlen
Autor & Journalist
Dirk von Gehlen is an author, journalist and speaker. The journalism graduate works as "Director Think Tank" at the SZ Institute and writes the Digitale Notizen newsletter. He not only thinks about new ideas ("Anleitung zum Unkreativsein", Rheinwerk 2021), but also implements them: For the Süddeutsche Zeitung, for example, he co-developed the Longreads magazine Süddeutsche Zeitung Langstreckeand the newsletter Klimafreitag. Dirk von Gehlen advocates a culturally pragmatic approach to the new - and has found the perfect symbol for this in the Shruggie ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ ("Das Pragmatismus-Prinzip", Piper 2018). He is one of the crowdfunding pioneers in Germany ("A new version is available") and has been dealing with the social consequences of digitalisation for years ("Mashup -Lob der Kopie "and "Meta -Das Ende des Durchschnitts").